00974  44969000

 Asian Town, Doha, State of Qatar



An Average OPD of 40-50 pts on a Normal functioning day

For the Ist half of 2019, the number of patients who have availed treatment from our Medicine Department is about 7490 patients of which 3415 were new beneficiaries.

To accept our shortfalls is a GRACE, we also have referred patients to HMC for further Management on an average of 40 cases per month which include cases like IHD, Severe Asthma, Stroke, Toxic and Dehydrated Patients.

Sometimes as an Emergency or the patient is handed over a Referral Paper to Visit HMC and associated HC at their comfort.

P.S. Though we refer, we rarely get any feedback about the patient from HMC, of course, few pts come back and report about their betterment occasionally. Feedback could help us learn after all learning is a way towards Excellence!