00974  44969000

 Asian Town, Doha, State of Qatar



IMARA health care aims to set examples of the highest quality and becomes the service provider of a choice for the community by being cornerstone and benchmark for the concept of affordable quality health care.  IMARA health care provided through various departments including Doctors from Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Orthopedics, ENT, Ophthalmology, Dermatology, Radio-Diagnosis, Pathology, General Dentistry and a team of 5 General Practitioners working.

A dozen of Staff Nurses working at different cadres to carry out the doctor orders and to assess the patients before the doctor takes a look at the patient. Necessary Infrastructure is inclusive of 12 Consultation Rooms, 3 Emergency Rooms, 2 Procedure Rooms, and One Isolation room.

A fully functional Vaccination Unit with staff allocated for the same. A full-fledged Laboratory capable of doing more than 650 tests inclusive of all Panels including Infectious Disease the panel, Diabetes Panel, Metabolic and Endocrine Panels, and Orthopaedic Panel if required. Fully Robotized Automated Digital 800mAs X-ray with PACS online. Full-time available Ultrasonography to assist the clinician in Diagnosis 24-hour available Pharmacy.

The focus of IMARA healthcare is to become the leading hallmark of healthcare industry in emerging markets.




IMARA healthcare pursues the highest goals in the sector through -


Our potential is great when our motivation is strong, and the possibilities are endless.

  • Excellence in healthcare.
  • Ensuring affordable and quality healthcare to the community.
  • Striving to gain and retain the patient's trust.
  • Enforcing good corporate governance.
  • Acting as a responsible corporate citizen.
  • Building constructive relationships with all stakeholders.
  • Being a valued entity of the community.
  • Continuing to grow as a successful diversified healthcare group.